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Incident with Actions
Incident Report for GitHub
On 2024-01-21 from 02:05 UTC to 06:19 UTC, GitHub Hosted Runners experienced increased error rates from our main cloud service provider. The errors were initially limited to a single region and we were able to route around the issue by transparently failing over to other regions. However, errors gradually expanded across all regions we deploy to and led to our available compute capacity being exhausted.

During the incident, up to 35% of Actions jobs using Larger Runners and 2% of Actions jobs using GitHub Hosted Runners overall may have experienced intermittent delays in starting. Once the issue was resolved by our cloud service provider, our systems made a full recovery without intervention.

We’re working closely with our service provider to understand the cause of the outage and mitigations we can put in place. We’re also working to increase our resilience to outages of this nature by expanding the regions we deploy to beyond the existing set, especially for Larger Runners.
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 06:19 UTC
We've applied a mitigation to fix the issues with queuing and running Actions jobs. We are seeing improvements in telemetry and are monitoring for full recovery.
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 05:54 UTC
We have mitigated the issues impacting Actions Larger Runners. We are still experiencing delays starting normal jobs, and are continuing to investigate.
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 05:26 UTC
The team has identified the cause of the issues with Actions Larger Runners and has begun mitigation.
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 04:53 UTC
The team continues to investigate issues with some Actions jobs being queued for a long time and a percentage of jobs failing. We will continue providing updates on the progress towards mitigation.
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 04:16 UTC
We are investigating reports of degraded performance for Actions
Posted Jan 21, 2024 - 03:45 UTC
This incident affected: Actions.